Update on July 24th

A quick update on the VSIG
- Recruitment of thirteen beta-testers who are providing their feedback on accessing the site from different location, different internet speeds, mobile etc
- Group A Class dates: start date of Sept 6 and finish Nov 14
- Fundraising continues to reach out to potential sponsors
- Launch of GOFUND ME campaign for course https://gf.me/u/yiauqx
- 82% of our Group A September cohort capacity reached
- Group B November registration form is now live https://forms.gle/YkH3ha7Np6MRr55eA
- Live demo of the Online tool in ZOOM scheduled for Friday July 31st if interested please contact us directly at info@virtualsig.org
- Reorganization of the Infrastructure Module content for more clarity and flow- thanks to Eduardo Diaz
- Review of the Legal Module content thanks to Prof Joanna Kulesza
- New form ADD A RESOURCE https://forms.gle/vDdHotgjdbZQdU248
- Post course evaluation course survey created