Announcement of LACNIC newest sponsor of VSIG

We are pleased to announce our latest sponsor for VSIG from the family of RIR’s who joined us as a silver sponsor for the first time supporting the English and Spanish courses. We appreciate their support in the ongoing development of VSIG and the delivery of top notch training in both languages.
The Latin American and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry is an international, non-governmental organization established in Uruguay in 2002. It is responsible for assigning and managing Internet number resources (IPv4, IPv6), Autonomous System Numbers, and Reverse Resolution for the region.
LACNIC contributes to regional Internet development through an active cooperation policy. It promotes and defends the interests of the regional community and helps create conditions for the Internet to function as an effective instrument for social inclusion and economic development in Latin American and the Caribbean.
It is managed and run by a board of seven directors elected by LACNIC members. This group of members comprises more than 12,500 network operators who provide services in 33 Latin American and Caribbean territories.
Click here for more information on the history of LACNIC.