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Change in Time

This session will be opened as soon as a Moderator is present or by 13:15 UTC  (9:15 am AST, Puerto Rico) on Monday, April 12. The start time of the live session will be 13:30 UTC. You can use the following tool —  time and date — to get your local time.  This session will be recorded for those not able to be present due to timezone.
Review the content of the module, answer questions, and exchange points of view. As we move forward Chenai Chair will give provide an interesting perspective about the influence social and cultural aspects have on the policy development and regulations to meet a society’s goals.Upon completion please complete the survey
Start date: Monday, 12 April at 9:15 AM
End date: Monday, 12 April at 11:00 AM
Modified by: Alfredo Calderon

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