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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Virtual School of Internet Governance?
The Virtual School of Internet Governance( VSIG) is a free MOOC (Massive Open Online Courseware) dedicated to the key pillars of Internet Governance. We are using MOODLE which provides the framework including student registration, online forums, Zoom recordings, Live chats, student assignments, quizzes, and more. The rich content focuses on the primary learning objectives as found in face-to-face schools of Internet Governance. Due to COVID 19 these schools are either halted or seriously postponed. Our online courseware provides an integrated taxonomy from the novice to the advanced student to learn the basics of Internet Governance.

Please describe the goals of VSIG?
Our project is currently underway with research and populating the online MOODLE site with the key elements to understand the Internet Ecosystem.
We launched on September 1, 2020 with the first intake of 100 students and we have followed with 10 English Cohorts, 5 Spanish and 2 French intakes. Meanwhile, we will enhance the site with media-rich slideshows, videos, and ebooks to make the learning more diverse. The course includes learning modules that are supported by quizzes, online forums, Live Chats, and end-user feedback so we can enhance the learning experience.
Our student enrollment exceeds 1,000 students.

We will be working closely with the IGF DC3 Coalition for Schools of Internet Governance which supports the face to face schools around the world. The VSIG is unique since no such thing exists and it’s a perfect compliment to various fellows for ARIN, ISOC, ICANN IGF, and others to learn at their own pace with structured content The course would be free and open to anyone and it will enhance knowledge of novices to the experienced Internet user and professional

Who is involved with the VSIG?
We encourage students of past schools of Internet Governance, ICANN and ISOC communities and more
Key Roles

Glenn McKnight( Administrator)
Member of the IGF DC 3 Coalition of Schools of Internet Governance
Co-Founder of the North American School of Internet Governance( NASIG) in San Juan and in Montreal
Team member of the Southern School of Internet Governance and the Indian School of Internet Governance


Prof Alfredo Calderon( Dean of Education)
Chair of the education committee of NARALO
Co-Chair of the capacity building WG at ICANN Atlarge
Program Chair for NASIG


What is the VSIG Advisory Council?
Our advisory council is a sober second house of evaluators and critical thinkers giving the VSIG management guidance and recommendations

Our council consists
-Dr. Olivier Crepin-Leblond
-Amrita Choudhury
-Eduardo Diaz
-Dr. Pablo Rodriquez
-Bill Jouris

How long does it take to do the course?
The course is self-paced and some of the modules are longer than others. We suggest four to eight hours a week to read articles and short content and view some videos. For those interested in weekly live sessions, chats, and discussion forums. Tentatively schedule live sessions on Fridays.

How do you expect to routinely update the course content?
The course modules will stay consistent with all the language versions of the course. The module content will be refined and updated due to broken links, out-of-date content, missing information, or better Ebooks or video content. Also all the credible recommendations will be added to the complementary resources of each section. Our Phase One of the developments of the course involved the invitation of thirteen beta testers to evaluate the functionality of the course tool ie Moodle, course content, and all the features. Key individuals stepped up and provided detailed feedback and criticism of some of the content prior to the launch of the course and we acted promptly to modify the courseware accordingly. As the course rolls out and each of the cohorts completes the course we send a detailed Participant Evaluation Survey. A standing committee of the VSIG administration and a group of teachers evaluate the recommendations and suggest a strategy for the changes and then the team deploys members to modify the content and a secondary evaluator assesses the quality of the work.

What does it cost for the course?
The course is free. Our goal is to obtain sponsorship to keep it free. We do accept Online donations through GOFUNDME

What languages is the course offered?
The modules are in English. We launched our Spanish version of the course in Fall 2021. We followed this in Winter 2022 with the French version of the course and we are open to consideration for other languages in the future. We are looking for partners to translate the modules into other languages, please contact us if interested in partnering

Do you have nonprofit or Charity Status?
The administration of VSIG is through the Foundation for Sustainable Communities, A Canadian Non Profit with a twenty-year history.

Is the program accredited by any other educational body?
No. However we do issue a Certificate of Completion to the participant that meets the completion requirements. Students need to complete all module quizzes and obtain a 80% level. You can retake the quiz as many times as you wish.

Who supports the school?
We have different levels of support for the school including direct monetary support and the range is from Platinum to Silver levels of sponsorship. We also acknowledge the volunteer instructors and senior advisors who support our efforts. If interested please contact at

Is online education better than attending a face-to-face School of Internet Governance?
This is difficult to say since the Face to Face experience has formal and informal elements that can’t be replicated online. On the other hand, online courses provide a very good option due to limited budgets, travel restrictions, and other reasons. In our view this course compliments the face to face experience and they go hand in glove.

What is the enrollment and selection process for the participants?
Each of the first four cohorts is limited to 100 students each. An application process is required to apply for admission into the program. A series of qualifying questions are required answering. We review all the application and accept those that demonstrate an interest, history and desire to take the course.

How is the VSIG sites and tools compliment on Accessibility?
We use MOODLE for the MOOC and here is the link to the compliance of MOODLE

We also use Big Blue Button for the online chat and here is their website detailing their compliance to WCAG 2.0

How do I reach the staff?

Email Addresses
Glenn McKnight

Alfredo Calderon

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