Welcome to Introduction to Internet Governance (VSIG)! You’re joining one of the language tracks of ten cohorts of learners currently enrolled in the course since we commenced in Sept 2020. We are excited to have you in the class and look forward to your contributions to the learning community. The format of this online course is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), with the goal of networking with peers across the world. If you decide to go through the whole course and meet all the requirements a Certificate of Completion will be produced. Weekly synchronous sessions for interactive conversations are part of the features.

The idea of VSIG came about back in May 2020 as a result of a conversation between the founders Prof. Alfredo Calderon and Glenn McKnight on the harsh realities facing normal face-to-face schools of Internet Governance. Our initial discussion with Paul Diaz of PIR thought it was a great idea and became the first sponsor of the school and we have continued to discuss our evolution of the school and its achievements. Thanks to PIR support we have been able to approach other sponsors who have been surprised to learn about the school and very pleased to be one of our Live Chat speakers.
Our efforts commenced through the spring and summer of 2020 in collecting, assessing, and producing a comprehensive course that had in-depth course modules, extensive resources, an online quiz, participant discussion, and community participation for the forty speaking slots.

Another innovation we created was a VSIG Volunteer Advisory Committee. The current members include Amrita Choudhury, Bill Jouris, Eduardo Diaz, Dr. Pablo Rodriquez, and Dr. Olivier Crepin-Leblond. We also have three language leads which includes; Alfredo Calderon and Lillian Ivette for Spanish translation, Ben Rachad Sanoussi for French translation and Alfredo and Glenn for English translation. All of these translations are completed in Fall 2021(Spanish) and Winter/Spring 2022(French). Work is underway on the Russian translation.
Please contact the coordinators if you have any questions
Glenn McKnight info@virtualsig.org
Alfredo Calderon registration@virtualsig.org