Welcome to information about the Virtual School of Internet Governance
This screenshot of the site shows on the right the log in location and only students enrolled in the programme are issued an ID and PW.

The site is https://internetgovernance.moodlecloud.com
The course requires a student ID and PW issued by the registrar of the school per intake. If you are a guest speaker the registrar will issue you an ID and PW as well.
The course platforms uses the Open Source tool called MOODLE and its based upon a MOOC ( Massive Open Online Courseware)
This is the VSIG recorded sessions to review so you see some of the previous Live Chat sessions which is organized each week per cohort
If interested in attending one of the school cohorts keep close attention to this blog or our Facebook page and announcements on Twitter and LINKED IN Group https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13945053/