VSIG and New Translations

We have commenced VSIG courses in 2025 with a new English Cohort which will follow with the next Spanish course primarily with Cuban students. The big efforts this year is the work by our translation teams to build and revamp translations. The French team lead by Rookayya is updating an existing French course for broken links, content and errors and omissions. The Bengali language group is lead by Mohibul ( Bengali is the fifth largest language grouping) and it aims to complete the translation and offer the course in June. The goal of this translation is work with local organizations to offer the course with their membership or student body. The third translation is in Urdu lead by Waqar who is assembling his team and the aim is completion by the summer of 2025. Lastly the discussion for Portuguese was rekindled after making contact via the IGF with the organization representing 11 Portuguese speaking nations, no work yet to be announced.
We are committed to a free and multilingual Internet and this efforts demonstrate our commitment and we invite our sponsors to join us in making mother language access a priority
Glenn McKnight, Info Officer for VSIG